Waco, Texas —The Dr Pepper Museum and Free Enterprise Institute
celebrated the museum’s founding and founders Thursday, May 8th.
The evening event, held from 5 pm – 7 pm featured guest speakers
representing partners throughout the Waco community. A bronze
plaque and video commemorating the founders was unveiled at the
end of the night.The exhibit opens to the public on May 13, 2014.
Backed by the City of Waco, Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce,
Cooper Foundation, Dr Pepper Company, and numerous others,
in 1988 W. W. “Foots” Clements, he CEO of the Dr Pepper Company,
and local community leader, Wilton Lanning, joined together
to create a unique partnership, the Dr Pepper Museum.
The Museum opened to the public May 11, 1991. The creation of the Museum
kick-started a period of urban renewal in downtown Waco. In 1997 the
Dr Pepper Museum opened the W. W. “Foots” Clements Free Enterprise Institute,
dedicated to teaching principles of free enterprise to all visitors. Since its founding,
the Museum has welcomed over 1.4 million visitors.
Above: Mrs. W. W. “Foots” Clements and Mr. Wilton Lanning pose in front of the Founders’ Exhibit.